Sunday 31 August 2014

N Is For...Noein

How do you pronounce this title? No-een? No-ine? Well apparently it's no-ay-een...

....moving on! I discovered this anime after finding a leaflet in my Naurto DVD advertising it. I was still new to the world of anime so figured if it's promoted with Naruto then it's worth a shot! After all I only chose Naruto because it contained ninjas...yeah...

So basically Noein is a science fiction based anime that explores how the choices you make can effect your future and the consequences they impose.

Haruka and Yu are the main protagonists visited by Karasu, a man from the future and a member of the Dragon Cavalry who is fighting an invasion from Shangri-La! He's searching for the Dragon Torque, a key object that will help them win the war. He also seems to have a connection to Yu.

Throw in a couple of time-space dimension rifts, the odd creepy character and you have your successful anime TV series. It was one of first Sci-Fi animes I had watched so really enjoyed it.

For those wondering, Noein translates as 'To Your Other Self'...I call mine Peter Pan ;)

Intro time!


'I'm dreaming again...that summer day's dream'