Sunday 7 September 2014

O Is For...Once Upon A Time!

Could you imagine if you lived across the road from Rumplestiltskin or if your teacher was Snow White? Well that's what this TV show is all about. Fairy tale characters living amongst us in reality.

I wrote briefly about this is an earlier post pondering what character myself or my friends would be. I still don't think there's a character like me out there yet though, I'm just too unique ;)

These fairy tale legends all inhabit the town of Storybrooke, hidden by a magical barrier from the outside world. It was created after the evil witch, Regina, and now mayor of Storybrooke, cast a curse upon all it's inhabitants. The curse causes them to lose their memories of who they once were and creates new personas for them.

It falls to Henry, the grandson of Snow and Prince Charming to break the curse as he is the only one bar Regina who knows what's happened. He sets off to find his mother who is the only one capable of breaking the curse.

Fast forward 3 seasons and we see the introduction of Peter Pan. Now in my first post I said the prospect of an evil Pan would be interesting and it turned out he was very evil indeed. There were quite a few twists and turns along the way and I think Neverland could have been more magical but overall I think the writers and actors did a good job portraying the dark side of Peter Pan as well as ruining the childhood of many adults ;)

I'm halfway through season 3 and they could have ended the series on the last episode I watched as it's a game changer but I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next. I know  the 4th season introduces characters from Frozen so I imagine that will gain the show a lot more viewers do its popularity. 

Sometimes I find the show slow but it has picked up in pace.

So maybe I should just sit back this evening and...let it go?


  1. Do you wanna build a Snowman! Dude you got this on DVD? Might have to pinch it off someone, walked in on my parents (wait!) watching this in Channel 5 and it looked interesting, Robert Carlyle is in it i believe?

    1. Unfortunately not but yes Robert Carlyle is in it :)
