Sunday 16 November 2014

S Is For...Sticker Books!

If you grew up in the 90s like moi then it is likely you would have owned at least one sticker book and spent your pocket money on packs of stickers at your local newsagents. I owned several and probably spent a good amount of my parents money on them too.

S was originally going to be Sword Art Online but Lovefilm didn't have the next disc I required so I haven't finished watching the series yet.

Fortunately one of my friends brought up the topic of sticker books in work and bingo! Here we are. I don't know how the conversation started but it brought back some good memories.

I used to have premier league football sticker books but I've never really been into football, that was more my dad's influence. I preferred my Power Rangers, Biker Mice From Mars, The Animals of Farthing Wood and Casper books. I can't really remember which ones I had altogether but think they might still be stored away in the attic. I think I'll have to dig them out.

My friends and I had some of the same sticker books so we swapped stickers whenever possible. Remember doublers? Sometimes I'd end up with 3 of the same or more in other cases!

Collecting stickers was really fun, it might sound boring to some people reading this but I became so excited over buying packs of stickers. My Dad once bought me 25 packs at once! I can't exactly remember why but I must have been extremely good that week!

We all wanted to complete our books with football players and scenes from our favourite shows and if you had a certain amount left to collect you could send away for them by post. I did that a few times.

Swop shop events were also held. I think you turned up at these events with other kids to try and complete your collection. I never ended up going to any but I remember reading about them.

So yes, sticker books and stickers were a part of my childhood for a few years and I really had fun with it. I wonder if sticker books are just as popular with kids these days?

Of course there were many other collections as part of my 90s childhood but I'll save them for another day...


  1. Haha dude! Animals of Farthing wood, with that big pull out background where you could stick the stickers(?) on. They weren't technically stickers but you know what I mean.. Like those Christmas decorations were you had to lick em and they'd stick to your window only to start peeling off after awhile.

    Match Attacks are big at the moment, kids pay £1 for a pack - We sell loads of 'em in work. Dude, remember Pogs and GoGo's?

    1. Yeah I had that Farthing Wood one! Had two different backgrounds I think. I read that as Mars Attacks lol. Have no idea what they are.

      Pogs was one of the things I was thinking of for a later post. I had loads, still do I think. Maybe tucked away in a box...that would make a good Youtube video!
