Friday 27 September 2013

Why I fell out of love with Assassin's Creed

Woah, don't give me that look! I said I fell out of love with the series not that I don't like it. But honestly it's lost its charm with me. Basically, it's like this...

I had a rough start with Assassin's Creed. I found the first game very repetitive, didn't like the fighting and I never finished it. It was a good a game and something new and different but I couldn't get along with it. It seemed to take too long to travel between areas too from what I can remember. In fact a friend borrowed it off me and has had it for three years. I'm in no rush to have it back now that I have a copy of it that came with Assassin's Creed III.

However I did purchase Assassin's Creed II which left Altair and introduced Ezio who would be the main character for the next three games. This one was a whole lot better and I really enjoyed it. It was less repetitive and offered more features. But I hated the clumsy game mechanics when jumping across buildings and almost stumbling everywhere. This second outing was more positive than negative though.

Now the 3rd installment, Assassin's Creed Brotherhood is in fact my favourite and in my opinion the best of the series. This is the first game that allows you to recruit and train your own assassin's who you can then send on missions to increase their level. Another first for the series was the online multiplayer that pitted you against other players to assassinate however there were a limited amount of characters and clones of the same character on each map so locating the right target was not easy. This mode was a lot of fun!

Now Revelations is where my interest started to fade. The 4th installment, in my opinion, was just 'added-on' content that should have been a download rather than a new game. It seemed very familiar and didn't grab me at all.

If that wasn't bad enough Assassin's creed 3 was supposed to be the great. It was good but once again I found it repetitive and more of the same. However I did like commanding my own ship and taking to the seas, that was pretty awesome. The main thing that let me down in this game was the main character, Connor. I didn't find him likeable at all. He came across quite ignorant.

There are a lot of good points to the series. I love the hidden blade and the fact that Leonardo da Vinci creates inventions and upgrades for you. The fighting did greatly improve which I'm pleased about. The scenery is awesome, especially exploring Rome and the Coliseum.

However I just find a lot of the games repetitive such as the missions, cities, side missions and the glitches when running across buildings is annoying. There were a lot less places to hide in the ACIII too which made escaping from the soldiers frustrating.

Another thing, is it really necessary to bring out a new installment around the same time every year? I'd prefer developers to take a long time on a game and bring out a masterpiece rather than try and knock one out every winter season.

Saying all this, my days of Assassin's Creed might be coming to an end but perhaps I'll give it one more shot. ACIV does look promising especially with a Welsh pirate as the main character.

So...will it rekindle my love for the series??

Time will tell...   

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