Wednesday 2 October 2013

Fox's Peter Pan & The Pirates Intro

Lately I've been catching up with old school friends and been having a great time but it got me to thinking how we haven't changed much. Well, a lot of things have changed such as careers, relationships and our whereabouts but our personalities are still pretty much the same. Whether they be random, funny, crazy, or just awesomely awetastic like myself, it's nice to see that we are still who we were back in school. Almost like we don't want to grow up in a certain respect. A group of lost boys in Neverland! Which brings me to my next subject- Peter Pan, the boy who never grew up.

To be honest I always wanted to be Peter Pan when I was growing up. Who wants to get older right? When you're a kid you don't have any worries, life is one big adventure and you're the main star. So yeah how cool would that have been if it was real? In saying that I do enjoy my adulthood so don't get me wrong but I will always be a big kid and most likely will never change! Some people take life way to seriously and become miserable. If I ever become like that I want one of you to snap me out of it ok?

So one of my favourite cartoons when I was growing up was Fox's Peter Pan & The Pirates. Now obviously I don't have to explain the story because let's be honest there aren't many people who haven't heard of J.M Barrie's masterpiece. There are a few different versions of Peter Pan such as the Disney films and I think I've seen a Japanese version too. But this one was my top.

The majority of people imagine Peter Pan in a green costume but this version wore brown. As usually he is the cheeky chap we all imagine him to be. A lot of the characters in this cartoon are well designed and stand out as unique individuals.

Tim Curry actually voices Captain Hook! 

The stories are what you would expect from Peter Pan; fighting against Hook and the pirates and going on crazy adventures. However in this version there were plenty more monsters and other beings in Neverland. One story that I can remember is when Peter Pan starts to grow old. I think it was a two part story although I can't remember why this was occurring. 

I doubt there will ever be a live action TV series of Peter Pan because he doesn't grow up yet the actor always will although it will be interesting to see how Peter is portrayed in 'Once Upon A Time.'

Now one of the major things for me in this series is the theme music! This is one of my favourite cartoon themes ever and the intro is pretty awesome. This is how you capture kids attention and I can see why this series lasted 65 episodes! 

Here it is:



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