Thursday 14 November 2013

Final Fantasy 7 Overview

No doubt about it. This is the King of RPG's for me! Even though this was probably not the first RPG I played it is definitely the one I recognise officially as my first. Also it was my first ever taste of Final Fantasy and it absolutely rocked!

FF7 is huge and way too big for me to tackle in a single post so I will break it down in parts over the next few months or so. To start with let me tell you how I discovered this great epic...

I was in my first year of comprehensive school and some of my friends would often mention Final Fantasy and how cool it was and how far they had progressed in the game. At first I thought it would be overrated as whenever something is hyped up as much as this I usually end up being disappointed but gradually I started searching for it online and checking out the artwork in the shops and was getting a bit excited. It did look intriguing. So as I was planning on asking my parents for it a friend of mine mentions he has it and the conversation went roughly like this:

Me: You have Final Fantasy 7!?
Friend: Yes but I don't really like it, I'm going to sell it.
Me: What?! Really? Can I buy it off you?????
Friend: Yeah ok
Me: How much?
Friend: ....£20?
Me: Deal!

The next day it was mine! £20 was a bargain at that point too so I was one happy chappy. However I had to wait until I had a memory card before I could play it which was a few more days and I was itching to try this game out! My parents had only bought me a Playstation recent to this so I was still setting myself up.

Oh and I still can't believe he didn't like this game! What's up with that!?

Then finally...

If a game could change your life then this was it for me. The blocky graphics, the music, the battles, the story...the greatness! I had never experienced anything like this before! Materia, Chocobos, Limit Breaks, Cloud, Seph-i-roth! I was hooked and have never been hooked again as much since this game. 

I loved the fact that Barrett had a gun as a replacement arm and that the characters all had their different styles of fighting. Using Materia was a different experience from what I was used to and the Summons! Man the Summons!
Knights Of The Round anyone?

My friend's would come around just to watch me play on this game before they eventually had a copy themselves and later I would go on to write my own fan fiction of FF7 merged with FF8 characters but my writing back then was terrible and the story is long gone :(

I enjoyed it though! Maybe I should just write another one?

Ok so this is my little introduction and now I really want to play this game all over again! Stay tuned! There will be more...

Coming soon- FF7 Part 2: Story and Characters!


  1. I was the same i love this game even got it when it was released on pc recently. i think this is the bench mark that many RPG's aimed for at the time and since they are all lacking what this game had.

  2. Yeah I agree, it will take a lot to beat FF7. Many RPG's could learn from it. I'm disappointed where Final Fantasy has gone these days though, seems a bit too modern for me. I wish they'd go back to their roots
