Thursday 20 February 2014

Blue Bloods

No this isn't a show about aliens with blue blood. Hope you're not too disappointed but it's about a family of police officers and lawyers in New York City. The Reagan family with Tom Sellick leading the way as Police Commissioner, Frank Reagan.

I don't usually go for police dramas but when I saw this advertised on Sky Atlantic I thought I'd try it out and I ended up really enjoying the series.

Frank's son's are detectives and police officers and his daughter is one of New York's finest lawyers. His father is a retired Police Commissioner so everyone in the family besides the young children all have a connection to the police.

The majority of episodes are a single story but always strong ones that kept me interested in what I was watching. I didn't think the TV series would last for long but now it is currently in it's 4th season and has done very well in the ratings. The acting is top notch too. Did I just write top notch? Spiffing!

Each episode contains a traditional Sunday family meal together where they all discuss their week and thank the Lord for their blessings. 

If you're looking for an entertaining police drama with family values then this is it!

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