Tuesday 11 February 2014

Heavy Rain PS3

Well this seems appropriate to write about at the moment considering all the heavy downpours and floods we've been having. Let's hope they stop soon and as you read this the sun is shining. If you live in the UK like myself then this doubtful but positive thinking yeah? ;)

I very much enjoyed Heavy Rain, the thriller about a serial murderer called the Origami Killer who kidnaps children and drowns them. He then leaves an origami with his victim. Or is it a she?

You control four different characters during the game. An F.B.I agent called Norman Jayden, journalist Madison Paige, private investigator Scott Shelby and Ethan Mars, the father of one of the victims. 

Throughout the game your decisions will determine the outcome of the story. For example you might miss an important clue that would lead you to a later scene or your character could die. Yes. Just like that. However there is no game over, you just carry on the story with the other characters you have until the finale.

There are many scenes that require you to hit a button quickly when it prompts you on screen and missing this could lead to the death of your characters as I mentioned above.

I love crime solving so really took to a game like this as I did with L.A Noire. Maybe I should have been a detective? That's why I like watching Bones or other crime dramas trying to figure out who the killer is. It was the butler in the dining room with the carrot! Eh? Anyway...

The story links together well and overall the game was a success. I prefer it to Quantic Dream's later game, Beyond: Two Souls. There's loads of replay value as scenes can be played in different ways and there are multiple endings. If it wasn't for my vast 'games to do list' then I would replay this again.

Also Madison became a firm fan favourite with the infamous shower scene. I bet more of you want to play it now right?

After you play it for the first time there will be one phrase that sticks in your head...


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