Friday 7 February 2014

My Fun Trivia Quizzes!

If you read my earlier posts back in August you would have seen me mention these quizzes before. A few years ago I often found myself bored during my lunch break at work so would browse the internet while letting out deep sighs. Then my friend Steve mentioned this quiz website to me containing lots of fun games called Fun Trivia.

So I started frequenting this website and enjoyed earning badges as I played the word games and quizzes. After a while I decided that I would attempt to create my own quiz.

This was easier said then done.

For when you create a quiz on Fun Trivia you have to get it spot on as it goes to editors first to be checked and if the editor isn't happy with it then they won't publish it.

For example, your quiz has to be written in the same tense such as past or present tense and your questions have to be different from similar, related quizzes. At the end of each question you need to provide information about the answer you gave so the user can learn a little bit more.

My first quiz took me 3 attempts to publish as there were already several other Muppet Treasure Island quizzes on Fun Trivia and I couldn't repeat a question. I felt disheartened at first but kept on at it and it's proved quite popular :)

My next two however were published on first attempt after I'd learned all the tricks and these were Marine Boy and Bucky O'Hare. 

You can check out my quizzes below:

Muppet Treasure Island
Marine Boy
Bucky O'Hare

Please try them out and let me know what you think. Don't forget to rate me! Be nice...

I'm thinking of creating a new quiz. 

Anybody have any ideas on what I should do?


  1. Tried the muppets one and got 7 / 10, some good questions in there man.. Makes me wanna watch it again :D

    1. Do it! It's an awesome film, one of my childhood faves! That's not a bad score :)
