Tuesday 4 February 2014

The Musical Madness of Rayman Legends

I may have mentioned this before but I'll say it again.

Musicals are my guilty pleasure.

Give me Grease, Les Miserables, Sweeney Todd, The Muppets or any others to watch any day. So I'm always happy when a TV series I watch decides to film a musical episode such as The Bitter Suite in Xena: Warrior Princess.

The same goes for games with musical sequences. For example, Parappa the Rapper or Kingdom Hearts II in Atlantica where you press buttons to the beat of the Little Mermaid songs!

I have recently been playing Rayman Legends and at the end of each world you get to play a musical level which sees you running across the screen overcoming obstacles to the beat of well known songs. So whenever you hit an enemy it could be to the strike of a drum or the clash of a symbol.

Happy days for me! I would love to see more games do this as it's so much fun and quite hilarious at times.

Don't agree with me? Maybe this video will change your mind:

Oh and Rayman Legends is a superb game!

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