Monday 24 February 2014

I Can't Watch Anime For Endless Hours Because...

...I simply wouldn't be able to sleep! It's true. The same goes if I read a book all day, watch the same TV show or play a game non stop. 


Because all the information becomes lodged in my brain and I can't stop thinking about it! Seriously. Sometimes I even start hallucinating about what I've watched, read or played. 

For example...if I watch Naruto all day i'll see shuriken flying all over the place or be imagining it at least! Then i'll hear the characters repeating the dialogue they spoke in the episodes I watched that day.  

It happens rarely though especially seeing as I don't have enough time to spend on these activities all through the day!

Does anyone else experience this if they do something for too long? 

Or am I just slightly crazy? 

One of the worst times was when I read a Harry Potter book for endless hours. Ah man, that was a lot of strange information to have stuck floating around in your head!

This would only happen when I went to bed though. Probably my brain trying to shut off but processing too much information.

That's why I can't get how people can watch marathons of TV shows because it would drive me insane and that's probably why it takes me so long to complete certain animes and games.

Maybe I should try it again one day and attempt some meditation after to clear my mind?

Or maybe I should end this post now before everyone starts thinking I'm crazy?

Next time: How penguins talk to me...

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