Tuesday 31 December 2013

Of Course Not Everybody Was Happy With The Ending To Mad Dogs...

From what I have read on Twitter lately there are a lot of people who aren't happy with how Mad Dogs ended. The majority of viewers seem to believe that the series was great up until the last two episodes leaving many people disappointed.

One of these fans was Debbie Jarvie who had this to say:

'Having been an avid viewer of each series of this show I must say I was utterly disappointed with this last one.
It was repetitive in a lot of ways, using similarities from the previous series, losing its originality and quite frankly I thought, though I do agree somewhat with Mr J, it was disappointing.
Yes I think when they drove off the end of the unfinished road they were already dead, on the one hand they could have gone to heaven because of what was said while they stood on the beach.
'We're not bad guys are we?'
'No, we're not bad guys'
On the other hand they may well have been descending into hell because of the (monotony of more) dead bodies which they neglected to do anything about, not least the fact that Cris Cole probably couldn't think of anything else to do with them. It seemed that he just couldn't be bothered and took the easy 'Thelma and Louise' way out.
The vision of the occupants in the other car turning off onto another road I suspect were their souls parting from their bodies.
The ending I get, but the misery of the rest of it I didn't.  At best it was blah!
Why oh why didn't you think about what you were writing?
The first was the best and I honestly looked forward to the next with great excitement. I wanted to feel that way with this latest one, instead I feel deflated. Immediately afterwards I needed to cheer my self up with an episode of Family Guy......

I'm sorry Mr. Cole but if I were you I would use Stewie Griffins time machine to begin writing these last two episodes again but this time use that same imagination you used for the very first one.'

So what do you think? Personally I would liked to have seen them survive and have a happy ending and I wouldn't have killed off Baxter's girlfriend the way it happened. I did enjoy the series though.

Did the ending spoil a great series?

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