Sunday 8 December 2013

Why I stopped playing Mortal Kombat!

Most gamers have either heard of or played Mortal Kombat at least once in their lives which is known for it's unique characters and battles but most of all for its famous fatalities which you can perform once you defeat your opponent. It's a bit violent but all good fun right? Until someone takes it too far...

A couple of years ago a very good friend of mine, Mara, came down to visit myself and a couple of friends. My best friend Lu was nice enough to invite us around to her house where we enjoyed spending time together and catching up. We cooked delicious food, watched some TV and then decided to break out the PS3 and Mortal Kombat. That's where events really took off.

After playing Mara we realised how crazy she actually was! Being defeated didn't sit well with our friend who then turned against us in a fury of fists and coke bottles!


It took a while but eventually she calmed down and things went back to normal. We all left in one piece and Mara travelled back to Scotland. 

However, shortly after we were all tagged in a photo on Facebook...


It seems she still had to release! Look at the state of that poor car! Luckily it wasn't one of us!

As of this morning I have learned that Mara is planning on visiting us again next year to play more Mortal Kombat. Please keep me in your prayers! It's sure to be wild!