Saturday 21 September 2013

Mr. Drippy - Flippin' Tidy Mun!

One of the kids in a youth club I work at once asked me what Ni No Kuni: Wrath of The White Witch is about when he saw me playing it online. My reply was along these lines:

"Basically a boy gets transported to another world to fight against an evil witch with the help of his sidekick Mr. Drippy who happens to be a fairy and has a Welsh accent"

His response was quite understandable... "Is that a joke???"

Haha, no joke at all! Ni No Kuni is a JRPG (Japanese role-playing game) with a welsh character! Yes! The Welsh have made an impact in Japan and I love it! As soon as I read a preview article for this game I knew I would end up buying it just for that alone. Being a huge RPG fan this made my day!

I mean it's nice to see Wales recognised around the world. There was one time a good few years back where they left us
off the map! Shocking! We have an amazing Rugby team who have earned us a nice collection of Grand Slams and 6 nations victories...I won't mention the recent slamming of England 30-3 earlier this year because that would be unprofessional...oh wait... ;)  

Also we have both Cardiff and Swansea in the premiership with Cardiff recently defeating Man City 3-2- nobody saw that coming!

Our country is also popular for filming locations. Dr. Who, Torchwood and Merlin have all been filmed local to me. Oh and Caerphilly has the 2nd largest Castle in Britain!

So don't leave us off the map ever again!

...I'm Welsh by the way.... ;)

Anyway back to Mr. Drippy. This character is the Lord High Lord of the Fairies and ends up being turned into a doll by the evil sorcerer Shadar. He ends up in Oliver's world and the curse is lifted when Oliver's tears fall upon him. Oliver is the main hero and is 13 years old. After his mam dies he travels to the Mr. Drippy's world to defeat Shadar and bring his mam back.

Mr. Drippy has a very strong welsh accent and uses a lot of our lingo! Such as:


He is hilarious and excellently voiced by Steffan Rhodri! However there's more! During the game you come across Mr. Drippy's hometown of the Fairies who all happen to be Welsh also! At one point you even see a comedy duet performed by two of the locals which I have to say was pretty entertaining.

Mr. Drippy helps you in battle too by throwing HP or MP orbs, health and magic points for those that don't know, onto the battle field. Later he learns a spell called 'Tidy Tears' that restore your health! Awesome mun en'it!?

Mr. Drippy isn't the first Welsh character or reference in gaming though. There is a Welsh character in Red Dead Redemption although only briefly and he didn't represent our country very well at all. A prequel to the amazing Shadow Hearts series called Koudelka is set in Llanfairfechen, Wales and I believe in Shadow Hearts one location you visit is the Rhondda Mines!

I imagine there are a lot more so please let me know of any you can think of! Would love to check them out!

So if youer haven't played this game yet mun, youer better go out and buy it boyo, en'it?

It's flippin' tidy mun!  

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