Friday 6 September 2013

Streets of Rage

Back in the day this was the one game that myself and all my friends could agree on that was awesomely awetastic!
It's a side-scrolling beat 'em up and the first game of that genre that I remember playing. I had this game on a collection that was released with the Mega Drive along with such games as Columns and Shinobi.

The plot is fairly simple and easy to follow. Mr. X leads a criminal syndicate that now has control of a city. It's up to 3  ex-cops all skilled in martial arts to take the city back from his clutches who are all playable. These are Adam Hunter, Axel Stone and Blaze Fielding. The majority of the time I would pick Axel as he looked pretty cool and was a bad-ass. My female friends, Emma and Louise would pick Blaze. I have to say Blaze is pretty awesome too. Not that I have anything against Adam, he just wasn't our first choice.

The stages see you travelling along the streets confronted by Mr. X's goons. They can attack from either side of the screen but are quite easy to beat up. You can punch, kick, grab and throw them around the screen which is a lot of fun. All the enemies let out an over-the-top scream when they are defeated. Actually my printer makes the same sound!

As well as using your fists, you had a selection of weapons to pick up along the way including baseball bats, crowbars and knifes to use at your will. You could throw these weapons at your foes too. Great fun!

The music was quite cool too and each stage would have an end boss to fight. However you weren't alone in your crusade. The police back you up. If you have a special move stored you can call a police car to pull up and fire a bazooka at the enemy which can do great damage. I recommend you save your special up for the boss.

It's not all fun and games though. You can also pick up food to restore health such as apples and turkeys...or was it a chicken? Although it only restores the health of the player who picks it up which can be quite frustrating when you're debating with your friend who you think needs it the most. The same with money bags that give you points. Also you can hurt your partner by 'accidentally' hitting them or grabbing them. This can also be used for teamwork where you can throw your partner at the enemy. Of course there were always accidents and you never realised how low my health was right? Louise, Emma, Chris and Mike??? Hmmm...

There are 2 endings to the first game. The good ending is simple, beat the game. Now for the bad ending it is a little bit more complicated. When you confront Mr. X he asks you to join him. If one player answers 'yes' and other 'no', then the player who answered 'yes' fights the other. If they win then they fight Mr X alone and if you win that fight you become the crime boss! Oh the corruption!  

Although Streets of Rage is awesome, my favourite is Streets of Rage 2! This time there are 4 characters available to choose from. Once again we have Axel and Blaze but Adam is not selectable however due to the fact that he's been kidnapped by Mr X. Replacing Adam is his younger brother Skate who travels on roller skates, obviously, and a pro wrestler called Max who is a friend of Axel's. Skate is pretty fast but not very strong and Max is the opposite due to his large size.

The game is similar to the first one but much improved. New enemies are featured such as ninjas and robots. Some also ride motorbikes that can knock you over which can be pretty frustrating. A simple flying kick will send them crashing. Although sometimes they are taken out by their own bombs they throw! Oops! I'll take it.

The policeman who backs you up as your special move doesn't appear in this game. Instead you have special moves that when used deplete a bit of your health. Annoying but useful in a tough situation. Especially against those fire breathing foes like Big Ben.

Once again end of stage bosses make an appearance
including a boxer that looks like a giant turkey if you ask me. Well...he did at the time alright?

Unlike the first game the enemies now all have their personal names above their health bar. Anybody remember Electra and that electrified whip? 

The graphics were greatly improved in this sequel as was the range of enemies and new features. Once again you fight Mr. X at the end. Maybe he'll stay dead this time?
Unlike the first game the sequel only had one ending.

Now Streets of Rage 3 is the one i'm least familiar with. I have only played it once or twice on the Sega Mega Drive collection released for the PS3. Although initially I remember it not being as good as the 2nd but perhaps i'm biased and haven't played it enough. I do remember this one being a bit more difficult though.

So guess who's back? Yep, Mr. X! But it wouldn't be the same without him right? Now he is using robots to replace important individuals while planting bombs around the city. Looks like he has this one in the bag right? Well up steps Axel, Blaze, Skate and a new character Dr. Zan who was Mr X's researcher until he discovers what his research is really being used for. You can also unlock a kangaroo called Roo to play as and also Shiva from Streets of Rage 2 whom you fight at the end before Mr. X.

New moves have been added to the 3rd and the A.I is more intelligent, being able to work together to defeat you.

One notable aspect is that if you play the game on 'easy' you won't be able to complete it as it ends after stage 5. This is referred to as the neutral ending as the player defeats the robotic clone who then informs us that we have to try harder if we want to save the city. A cutscene will play in Mr. X's office followed by 'the end?'

For the good ending you have to rescue the chief of police and defeat the robot clone before the time limit expires which would have seen the bombs exploding and the city destroyed. Of course they don't explode and everyone is happy. In the bad ending you see this.

Of course i'll have to play it a few more times before I can go into more detail but Streets of Rage 2 will be the one that is always in my heart.

These are 3 classic games for Sega that continue to remain popular even today. I know there are a lot of fans out there! Right!?


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