Tuesday 10 September 2013

Which Fairytale Character Would You Be?

I recently watched the finale of Once Upon A Time season 2 and it has me thinking...what fairytale character would I be?
For those of you who aren't familiar with the series it's about a group of fairytale characters living in our world with new idenities due to a curse cast by the Evil Witch, who now goes by the name of Regina, who is the mayor of Storybrooke, the town where they all reside.

The curse causes them to lose all memories of their past life and only Regina, Mr. Gold, and Henry know who they are. Henry is a kid and an original character who wasn't affected by the curse. He goes searching for his mum Emma, who is a bounty hunter, in the hope of making her believe the truth about Storybrooke. It's easier said then done of course. All these characters are played brilliantly by the actors.

During the episodes we see flashbacks of the characters fantasy lives kind of like 'Lost' did with their shows. All of which lead up to why the Evil Queen cast the curse in the first place.

A lot of fantasy characters feature in the show including the creepy Rumpelstiltskin, Robert Carlyle portrays him excellently...deary. More recently Peter Pan characters have been introduced and I'm looking forward to seeing how Neverland looks in season 3.

Honestly I'm not sure which fantasy character i'd be. I'm certainly no Prince Charming or an evil Rumpelstiltskin. I wouldn't go in search for buried treasure like Captain Hook. I guess I'm a big kid at times but not as much as Peter Pan. Any random characters out there??? Maybe that would be me.

So...which one would you be? Comment below!